dimecres, 5 de desembre del 2007
Today’s seven wonders 22nd November 2007

The seven wonders of the Ancient World were chosen by the ancient Greek more than 2000 years ago and of the seven mythical wonders, only one remains today. Now an internet vote is calling for people from all over the world to designate the seven wonders of the modern world.
The idea for the selection comes from Swiss-Canadian film. They went to combine an ancient concept with the latest electronic technology.
From the 177 originals nominees. The final candidates are the ACROPOLIS (Athens), the ALHAMBRA (Granada), the ANCKOR (Cambodia), CHICEN ITZÁ (Yucatan), the CHRIST REDEEME (Rio de Janeiro), the COLOSSEUM (Rome), the EASTER ISLAND STATUES (Chile), the EIFFEL TOWER (Paris), the GRETA WALL (China), the HAIGIA SOPHIA (Istanbul), the KYOMIZU TEMPLE (Kyoto), the KREMLIN/ST.BASIL 8Moscou), the MACHU PICCHU (Peru), the NEUSCWANSTEIN CASTLE (Füssen), the PETRA (Jordan), the STATUE OF LIBERTY (New York), the STONEHENGE (Amesbury), the SIDNEY OPERA HOUSE (Australia), the TAJ MAHAL (Agra) and the TIMBUTKI (Mali).
In the moment 40 millions votes have been cast in the vote which will decide on the seven sites to be declared the new wonders.
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